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July 2003-July 2010InteractiveDig Sagalassos
View of the area around Bereket that has been mapped geologically. The small hills in front of the carbonate rocks of the Bes Parmak Mountain (the five-fingered mountain) consist of Pliocene to Quaternary conglomerates.

Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge.
by Marc Waelkens

Geological Survey: August 14-18, 2005

This week, geologist Philippe Muchez (KULeuven) joined the geomorphological team in the southwestern part of Sagalassos territory in the Bereket basin to complete the geological map and support the work carried out there for sedimentological and palynological (pollen record) purposes. The geology of the area has been mapped to determine the possible source rocks that supplied the thick sequence of sediments in the basin and for further analysis the relationship between lithology, landforms, and satellite images. The area consists of massive beige limestone, thin-bedded gray limestone, and an ophiolitic mélange of the so-called Lycian tectonic nappe. Pliocene to Quaternary conglomerates and Pliocene tuff, limestone, travertine and clay stone overlie these Mesozoic rocks and occur in palaeovalleys (ancient valley bottoms). Quaternary alluvium and marsh deposits fill the valley of Bereket and have been drilled for further sedimentological and palynological studies. A preliminary comparison between the sediments drilled of the Bereket valley and the weathered rocks of the different lithologies present in the study area indicates that the most likely source of the Quaternary deposits in the valley bottom is the ophiolitic mélange. In addition to the brown color, mm-sized green ophiolitic and red chert clasts occur in the fine-grained sediments. The rocks present in the area have been sampled for a further petrographic and geochemical analysis. The mineralogy and geochemistry will be compared with characteristics of the Quaternary sediments to verify this hypothesis. The geological map will be compared with the satellite images to specify the reflectance characteristics for the different lithologies.

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