Tepe Düen: Aims 2009

June 15, 2009

Tepe Düzen is located on a plateau at 1.8km SW of Sagalassos. The ceramics excavated during the campaigns of 2006, 2007 and 2008 have mainly been dated between the fifth and second century B.C., after which the site was perhaps completely given up and all craft activities moved to the current site.

The campaign of 2009 will focus on several areas. A first area (number1 on Fig. 17) is the area of the 2008 trench, where two buildings have been partly excavated and where a lot of small finds have been exposed. In order to learn more about the architecture and material culture at Tepe Düzen, excavations in this area will be continued. Also, a test sounding will be executed in the northern part of this area in order to check the accuracy of the geophysical survey results. Secondly, several small test soundings will be executed on the plateau. In areas 2 and 3, test soundings will take place to confirm or deny the presence of geological entities and archaeological structures related to metalworking, suggested either by previous geophysical survey or by occasional surface finds in these areas. Area 4 is the area of the (pottery) kilns excavated in 2008; area 5 is the area of a presumed large (public?) building in which a test sounding was executed in 2006. We hope to do more test soundings in these two areas in order to further investigate the exact nature of the archaeological remains. The most suitable locations for the test soundings in all marked areas will be determined during the campaign itself. Lastly, a small-scale survey will be conducted in order to check the surface of the plateau for stones and minerals related to metalworking that may have been overlooked during earlier archaeological surveys.