Since 1993, surveys in the territory led to the discovery of more than 250 sites. Yet because of the extensive nature of the surveys and our lack of diagnostic pottery for some periods, we have several gaps in the settlement history, which certainly does not correspond with reality. Since 2002, we've revisited some sites with potential to fill these gaps.
The first week of this year's archaeological survey was devoted to completing the "Sagalassos Fabric Reference Collection" from selected sites in the territory of Sagalassos, the pottery survey begun in 2002.
This week's three-day survey specifically aimed at identifying ceramic assemblages which may date to two underrepresented periods. To this effect sites with a possible early (pre-Hellenistic) or a possibly late (later than early Byzantine), component discovered in the 1993-1996 surveys were revisited. Pottery was sampled more systematically, with a view on extracting as yet unidentified coarse wares and decorated early (Early Iron Age) and late (Selçuk-Ottoman) items.
Resurveying of some ten sites proved as successful as last year. Several protohistoric and late pottery groups, hitherto unknown, could be identified. Although not closely datable, they at least provide for these sites, and for future discoveries, a floating chronology to which the sampled pottery can be related. In this we've nearly bridged the gaps in the region's settlement record, allowing further reflection on differences between contemporary ceramic assemblages, related, for instance, to exchange patterns and site status.