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Archaeology's Interactive Dig
July 2003-July 2010InteractiveDig Sagalassos
We're using a new system during the 2004 campaign

Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge.
by Marc Waelkens

Recording: Introduction

Archaeological excavation involves meticulous recording of building ruins, artifacts (coins, tools, pottery, glass and jewelry), plant and food remains, fossils etc. We record a description of both the item's characteristics and its findspot.

We generate vast quantities of information, especially since the number of individual artifacts each year recovered at Sagalassos each year runs into the hundred thousands. Consequentially, the retrieval and the interpretation of the archeological information have become awkward and tedious activities.

The Sagalassos team and KERN International realized that only an automated information system would truly help to solve these problems. Hence, they combined efforts and started the development and implementation of a state-of-the-art software tool to manage and use archaeological information. The tool was called "Sagalassos" after the site that we have been exploring for the past 15 years.

The Sagalassos tool will bring about the following advantages:

  • higher efficiency in handling and recording archeological information
  • unique possibilities to combine historical data with new data
  • enhanced archaeological interpretation
  • easier organization of excavation campaigns
  • true support for the international pioneering role of the Sagalassos team
  • a more global access to scientific data along with swifter servicing

To implement these advantages, KERN International will extensively use new information technologies such as Microsoft.NET, Microsoft SQL Server and XML.

We'll use this new system in the 2004 campaign, with excavation on the promontory with the shrine dedicated to Hadrian and Antonius Pius serving as a test case.

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