Geophysical mapping along the colonnaded street (center of the picture) between the Lower Agora and the Hadrian and Antoninus Pius shrine (lower right part of the picture). |
Geophysical mapping of the Potters' Quarter: nearly a 50 kilns (black spots surrounded by a white circle) and many structures can be identified on this picture. |
Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge. |
by Marc Waelkens |
Geophysical Survey: July 11-15, 2004
After the third week of geophysical prospecting by the Slovenian team (directed by Branco Music, with B. Horn and I. Medaric) at Sagalassos, the archaeological potential of many different areas located inside and outside of the city center can be estimated with high accuracy. This season we focused on detecting architectural remains in the
potential new parking place south of the current entrance to the site in the Domestic area
southern colonnaded street between the Lower Agora and the Tiberian South Gate
shrine of the divine Hadrian and Antoninus Pius temple
area just outside the late Hellenistic city walls situated on the northwest steep slope just east of the stadium.
Finally, research was also concentrated on determining the eastern limits of the Potters' Quarter to the east of the theater.
The additional 3 hectares of magnetic prospection, plus 2 hectares carried out during the 2003 season were not enough to reach the limits of the whole craft and industrial area. At present, only its western part can be clearly outlined. In the other three directions, one can expect more workshops. The geophysical information on this last area, which in many points is very detailed, shows that this is one of the largest ancient industrial areas ever interpreted on the basis of geophysical survey. Excavations by Jeroen Poblome and Peter Talloen at the Potter's Quarter this year (aee Near the Theater, workshop area, July 11-15) provided us with the information needed for a more reliable interpretation of the whole industrial area. Kilns, even badly preserved or almost completely destroyed, are visible on the magnetogram, while limestone walls near vicinity of the kilns cannot be detected by this method. This is because of thermoremnant magnetization of kilns, which is almost ten times stronger than that of induced magnetization of the walls and the surrounding soil. Results of archaeological excavations (type of archaeological remains, depth, geometry, level of preservation, stratigraphy), magnetic prospection, and magnetic susceptibility measurements of all archaeological and natural materials in that trench will be used to build up an archaeo-physical model of the workshop. This model will then be used for a more reliable interpretation of all other workshops found at Potters' Quarter. The same approach should be applied also at areas closer to the city center, where we have results of architectural survey and test trenches carried out by Femke Martens. Next month she will provide us with new sets of data for the area between the theater and the Neon Library. These new excavations, together with her past test, will enable us to build up similar archaeo-physical models for areas where there are more regular urban system of roads, large houses made of limestone with a lot of architectural elements made of brick, possible heating systems, etc.
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