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Archaeology's Interactive Dig
July 2003-July 2010InteractiveDig Sagalassos
Erwin Nies and Tom De Cort extracting dust from our computers by means of the mosaic-cleaning compressor.

Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge.
by Marc Waelkens

Sagalassos Database and Depot Activities: July 10-14, 2005

This year, a new team was created for reorganising the Sagalassos database and storage activities. It is composed of archaeologists Veerle Lauwers, Nathalie Kellens (who, respectively, are preparing a doctoral theses at KULeuven on respectively the glass and metal finds from Sagalassos), Frank Carpentier (KULeuven), and IT-specialists Tom De Cort and Erwin Nies (IT-specialist, REGA Dept., KULeuven.

The backbone of every archaeological project is a meticulous recording system. Each year, we generate vast quantities of information, especially since the number of individual artefacts recovered at Sagalassos each year runs into the hundred thousands. Portable finds generated on the site at the end of every working day are taken to the excavation house where they are checked into a database inventory system. This allows us to check and trace administrative information attached to each group of finds. Afterwards they are stored into the depots, except for high quality pieces, which at the end of the season will be stored or exhibited in the new Burdur Archaeological Museum.

During this first week of the excavation season, our team mainly focused on a preliminary analysis of some network and database problems. As the week passed, it turned out that we had to be very creative with the available means (but, what else is new on planet archaeology?). In this interdisciplinary project, the conservation lab came to the rescue, offerering us the compressor previously used for mosaic cleaning to "wipe of" the winter dust from our computers.

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