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July 2003-July 2010InteractiveDig Sagalassos

Restored amphora (later sixth-seventh century A.D.) from room 2 behind the Macellum

Left, a Sagalassos city coin dating to the early third century A.D. and representing a Tyche (Fortuna) holding a cornucopia (right) crowning a cuirassed and helmeted soldier (left), identified as "Lakedaimon of the Sagalassians." This means that the people of Sagalassos eventually claimed a Spartan (Lacedaimonian) origin. Right, a coin issued by the emperor Maximianus in A.D. 294-299, representing Jupiter (right) handing a Victory on a globe to the emperor standing on the left. The text praises the "concordia militum" (the unity of the soldiers).

Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge.
by Marc Waelkens

Small Finds Conservation: August 7-11, 2005

With the patience of a monk, the conservation team--led by Emine Kocak, and further composed of Canan Ustabay, Filiz Zeyveli, and Ozan Tanriöver (ITU, Istanbul)--tackled hundreds of objects of all possible material categories. Each object is carefully cleaned and treated according to the raw material category to which it belongs, before being drawn, photographed, and stored. Not all of the thousands of potsherds every week are being washed. Some bottom parts and rim fragments of storage and cooking vessels are sampled uncleaned, together with the earth that surrounded them, in order to extract lipids and fatty acids by means of liquid-gas-chromatography and gas-chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry at the Center for Catalysis and Surface Chemistry (KULeuven and now also part of the recently established Center for Archaeological Sciences, KULeuven, dir. M. Waelkens). In the past, this technique developed within the team by Katrien Kimpe and now continued by Kerlijne Romanus under the supervision of Pierre Jacobs and Dirk De Vos, has allowed us to distinguish among vessels those that once contained fish, pig, sheep/goat, cattle, palm oil, olive, and other vegetable oils, as well as beeswax. We are now focusing on identifying wine or oil in imported or locally made amphorae or other containers.

Other objects include window and vessel glass, all types of metals, coins, worked bone, mosaic, and stucco fragments etcetera. Some characteristic examples of which are shown here.

[image]Early Byzantine glass vessel, left, and nicely worked bone handle, right, from the Macellum [image]
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