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Archaeology's Interactive Dig
July 2003-July 2010InteractiveDig Sagalassos
Photos courtesy Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project. Click on images to enlarge.
by Marc Waelkens

Tepe Düzen: Aims 2007

The plateau of Tepe Düzen forms the southwestern extension of current Sagalassos. It is only separated from it by the valley with the main access to Hellenistic-Imperial Sagalassos and by the acropolis of Zencirli Tepe, which served and protected both parts of the city. We are, in fact, dealing with the remains of the same city, of which the oldest Early Iron Age part (eighth-fourth centuries B.C.), concentrated in the southwest at Tepe Düzen. Perhaps because of a water shortage in that part of the city during the fourth century, there was a movement higher up the slopes and a bit farther north toward the Hellenistic-Byzantine city, which we've excavated since 1989. Yet, both sites are continuous and formed one city, with even some Hellenistic and Imperial remains at Tepe Düzen. Whereas the latter represented the Early Iron Age site, the slopes locally called "Bodrum" are Hellenistic-Byzantine Sagalassos. Therefore, an extension of the recognized boundaries of the ancient site, reuniting both parts of the city, has been requested by the Burdur Museum.

In 2007, we aim to work within two areas:

  1. Area 1 is a northward extension of two trenches excavated in 2006. These trenches yielded the remains of several buildings that could be attributed to four architectural phases. Most of the buildings were only partially excavated. Our goal this year is primarily to extend the existing trench to gain an insight into the internal layout and size of these structures, and to have a better understanding of internal planning in this part of the settlement. A test sounding is also planned in the area of the large "courtyard" in the northwestern corner of the area.

  2. Area 2 is east of area 1. Mapping of the surface remains indicated the possible existence of apsidal structures in this area, an observation which should be checked through excavation. In the same area, a number of structures had a circular stone platform (?), the function of which is unclear. Again, test sounding is needed to identify the function of these "platforms."

  3. During the test soundings, we will take soil samples for geochemical analyses in Belgium. Specifically, we are looking for evidence of ancient pollution. Other samples will be sieved to detect small faunal and archaeological remains; while a selection of unsieved samples will be set aside for flotation to retrieve botanical remains. As usual, all pottery, metal, bone and other artifacts will be studied by specialists in these fields.
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