Tepe Duzen: 2010 Aims

July 8, 2010


Tepe Duzen is – in the current stage of our knowledge – an area that was contemporarily inhabited with Sagalassos from the 5th to the 2nd century. It is located on a plateau at 1.8 km SW of the latter. The ceramics excavated during the campaigns of 2006, 2007 and 2008 have mainly been dated between the 5th and 2nd century BC, when the site was perhaps completely given up and all craft activities moved to the current site.


The campaign of 2010 will focus on several areas. Large scale excavations will be continued in the area of the large scale excavations of 2008-2009, in order to learn more about the layout of buildings and open spaces in between them. Secondly, several test soundings will be executed on the whole plateau to check the general layout of the buildings and open spaces as indicated by the results of geophysical survey, and to check for areas that were possibly subject to craft activities, as indicated by the results of geophysical survey or by chemical analysis of soil samples. The exact locations for these test soundings will be determined after processing the results of the geophysical survey and the chemical analysis of the soil samples of the 2009 campaign.

Figure 1: General plan of Tepe Duzen with indication of the general area were excavations and test soundings are planned for 2009. “A” indicates the area of the large scale excavations of 2008-2009. The red rectangle indicates the area of a presumed large, public building.

For more, seeĀ www.sagalassos.be/en/webreports/2010.