Geomorphology: 2010 Aims

July 9, 2010


The geomorphological approach on the site of Sagalassos involves: 1) the study of the geomorphological characteristics of the different terrain units where the town is build and the different buildings are situated, and 2) the study of the impact of geomorphological processes on the site during and after the occupation.


The aim of the 2010 field campaign at Sagalassos will be to:
1. Add information on the N-S lineaments at the Potters’ Quarter with oblique aerial photographs
2. Take oblique aerial photographs at Tepe Duzen
3. Study profiles excavated by the archaeologists
4. To help the archaeologists with the evaluation of the characteristics of the deposits or possible biases induced by physical processes at the site (reworking by erosion, transportation, sedimentation and bioturbation processes).


Geomorphological, ecological and landscape observations will be made during field walking using notebook, camera, drawing instruments, compass, and binocular. Sediment samples will be collected with an Eijkelkamp percussion drill, for compacted sediments, a Dachnowsky sampler for soft sediments and the Edelman corer for sediments with intermediate characteristics; samples will subsequently be collected in plastic bags or in 1 m long PVC-tubes. Surface soil samples and of around 5cc and “moss polsters” will be collected by hand and stored in plastic bags. The positions of all sampling sites will be measured using a GPS with differential correction (Trimble GeoXT). In order to correlate all sampling sites, the relative elevation of all coring sites in the valleys will be established by means of a level instrument. Electrical resistivity imaging techniques will be applied to complement the sediment corings in order to gain more insight into the sediment stratigraphy. This will be done with an ABEM 1000 Terrameter and Lund Imaging System. Openness of the local vegetation will be estimated by creating a 10×10 meter plot and estimating the amount of exposed soil within this plot. The plant species growing within the 10×10 meter plot will be determined and for each species the percentage of cover within this plot will be measured. Aerial photographs will be taken with a kite.

Plans per site

Agricultural activity at the Potters’ Quarter

Previous research showed that the N-S lineaments identified in the Quickbird satellite imagery probably correspond with agricultural activity and are perhaps the delineation of ancient field plots that can be dated posterior to the abandonment of the architectural remains. The former research was mainly based on image interpretation and corings. If time permits, we will try to georeference the aerial photographs taking during previous field campaigns using dGPS measurements as well as to take some additional photographs in order to extend the research on this topic.

Oblique aerial photographs at Tepe Duzen

The intention is to take oblique aerial photographs at Tepe Duzen to complement the remote sensing and archaeological information available for the site.

Study profiles

Profiles excavated by the archaeologists will be studied to document the significance of physical processes and their evaluation in space and time, to document the impact of earthquakes on catastrophic geomorphological events (e.g. landslides), and the use of the different morphosubstrates for the development of the urban infrastructure.