As we excavate, part of our job is to screen buckets of soil for artifacts. Normally, the artifacts we find are set off to the side in trays to be counted and bagged at the end of the day. However, if something is unique or especially nice, it is FS’d. FS stands for “Field Specimenâ€, […]
Read full post »Archives for the ‘Special Finds’ Category
2014 Field Report 2
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
All the below Field Specimens (FS) were discovered during the excavations of Block 8. We are slightly north of the center of the Block. FS 9394-Aqua Green Canning Jar Rim Fragment This fragment exhibits a cracked off rim finish. These jars were patented in the late 1850s. FS 9395 and FS 9397-Hard Rubber Chain Links […]
Read full post »2012 Field Report
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Coming from a variety of different universities and backgrounds, the students of the 2012 Johnson’s Island field school through Heidelberg University have now been excavating the Johnson’s Island Civil War Prison site for two weeks. The 11 students have been divided into four groups, each responsible for excavating a specific unit of the site. This […]
Read full post »Bone from the Latrine
Saturday, July 3, 2010
We are finding many animal bones in the sink (latrine) from Block 8 being excavated this year. Two of these bones are from a cow, the radius and ulna. In the pictures below, you can see one end (the proximal end of the ulna) shows a growth cap having yet to seal and the other […]
Read full post »12-Sided Bottle Discovered
Thursday, June 24, 2010
One of the first artifacts to be located within level 1 of Feature 124 (a latrine used in late 1862 or early 1863) was this 12-sided bottle. The bottle is just over 10 centimeters in length and 5 centimeters in width. We have yet to remove the bottle from the latrine, but expect to in […]
Read full post »Interesting Lead Artifact
Thursday, June 17, 2010
 This artifact was discovered within the excavations of the Block 8 area. It appears to be lead, having been flattened out and small cut-outs removed. I can’t explain the very small holes, but the other cut-out shapes may have been lead pieces being used for sets in jewelry. It is quite a unique piece […]
Read full post »Hard Rubber Ring Discovered
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Today, July 7, 2009, Hannah (a student in the Heidelberg University archaeological field school) discovered this hard rubber ring in the 1862-1863 prison hospital latrine. The ring is made from hard rubber, first patented in 1851. Prisoners made this jewelry to send to their families, friends, and to sell to fellow prisoners. Several prisoners were […]
Read full post »A “Vessel Cluster” of Mystery
Sunday, July 5, 2009
by Juli, Phil, and Tim One of the more intriguing finds of the past couple of weeks has been the fragments (referred to collectively as the “vessel clusterâ€) of a Kaolin clay tobacco pipe unearthed while excavating Block 6, the hospital block (Figure 1). Kaolin, a soft, white mineral, was first mined centuries ago in […]
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