Introduction Since 2002 the urban area of Sagalassos is surveyed with various geophysical techniques with excellent results. We would like to continue this research during the 2010 campaign in a selected number of areas. Aims & Methodology As a measure of preparation the application of geophysical techniques at the site may involve the clearance of […]
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Geological Survey: 2010 Aims
Friday, July 9, 2010Archaeometrical study of the craft activities at Sagalassos Introduction A wide range of mineral resources was exploited at Sagalassos, including ores, clays and natural building stones. Aims The aim of the archaeometrical studies at Sagalassos is therefore to characterise artefacts produced by the different crafts, the identification of the raw materials used and the reconstruction […]
Read full post »Archaeological Survey: 2010 Aims
Friday, July 9, 2010
Introduction In 2008 a new programme of intensive archaeological surveys in the outer reaches of the ancient territory of Sagalassos was initiated, with the aim of understanding how peripheral areas evolved through time, before, during and after they were annexed by regional centres. During the fieldwork seasons of 2008 and 2009 the Bereket Valley and […]
Read full post »Topographical Survey
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The topographical survey this campaign was carried out in the area south of the city of Sagalassos and north of Tepe Düzen. The long term goal is to fill the gap between the large scale topographical map of Sagalassos created over a time span of 15 years and the topographical map of Tepe Düzen that […]
Read full post »Palynological Survey
Monday, August 17, 2009
This year the palynological survey took place August 1-14. The aim was to collect additional data with which a detailed palaeoenvironmental reconstruction can be made for the period from the end of the so-called Beyshehir Occupation Phase (BO Phase), which lasted from approximately 2,230 to 1,550 years before the present until the present day. Other […]
Read full post »Survey of the Kales
Monday, August 10, 2009
During previous archaeological survey campaigns (1993-1997), we had observed that all the places with the toponym “kale” (or fortress in Turkish) bore the remains of (extensive) fortification walls or (smaller) forts. At that time, the dating of these kales was difficult since the pottery retrieved was highly undiagnostic. However, it was clear that these kales […]
Read full post »Tepe Düzen: Report 2
Monday, August 3, 2009
Priority of geophysical survey at Tepe Düzen in 2009 field campaign was extension of previously magnetically surveyed areas towards the south fortifications. In total an area of 4 ha was surveyed by magnetic method. Architectural remains of presumably Classical/Hellenistic period made of non-magnetic limestone blocks close to the surface and strongly magnetic top soil (in […]
Read full post »Territorial Archaeological Survey
Monday, August 3, 2009
The aims of the territorial archaeological survey of 2009 were to explore more systematically and in more detail the western part of the valley of BaÄŸsaray, between the villages of Kayış, Ovacık, and BaÄŸsaray. This region constitutes the southernmost section of the ancient territory of Sagalassos. To that purpose a number of earlier visited sites […]
Read full post »Suburban Survey Pottery Study
Monday, July 27, 2009
The 2009 season of the suburban survey pottery study started on June 14th, under the supervision of Prof. Jeroen Poblome. The aim of this pottery study is to determine the character, function and date of the ceramic finds recovered from the suburban survey conducted by Hannelore Vanhaverbeke during the 1999-2004 campaigns. We started with the […]
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